Anit-war Voices


Until I sat down to write this post I had never heard of or The American Conservative. I viewed the website first. The first few headlines I read were: "Save Ukraine from American Meddling." and "Julien Assange is Free, but Justice has not Been Served." Even sitting in my own home, I felt weird reading these headlines. You would never hear this on the mainstream media news channels or read them in most newspapers these days. The media is very one-sided. The ideas on go against everything the Biden Administration stands for.  What we hear on the news and read in the papers is very much in line with what the government believes is important. We are told we have to defend Ukraine's border because if Ukraine falls, the rest of Europe will fall.  Washington and the mainstream media have people believing that it is more important to protect Ukraine's border than our

own. Concerning Julian Assange, we have been told that he was arrested and put in a London jail for publishing classified US material. The way he has been portrayed in our media as such a bad guy, it was a shock to see a headline that may actually suggest he is not a bad guy. 

When I went onto The American Conservative website, the first headline I saw was "The VA Must Stop Working for Illegals."The American Conservative This stunned me! In the media today, you never see anything negative about illegals. The Biden Administration is very vocal as to how we should view the illegals that are entering our country and they do not want anyone to view them negatively. Instead of the Sedition Acts of the past, the Biden Administration has figured out they can suppress information by controlling the narrative. This article actually explained how our veterans have been on waitlists for years to get seen by doctors and that the backlog of cases has tripled under the Biden Administration, However, somehow they have time to process medical claims for the illegal immigrants. The Biden Administration makes sure that the media shows their view and their view alone. Illegals are the

administration's priority.  There is one reason and one reason alone as to why we do not see these anti-war websites and the Conservative viewpoints and that we have to seek them out ourselves. It is because the Government does not want us to disagree with initiatives. They have priorities and they want everyone to fall in line. In place of the Sedition Acts, they choose to suppress information by controlling the media. 


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