
Showing posts from July, 2024

My Relationship with Technology

 Overall, I have a healthy relationship with technology. I am in a unique position to see the positives and negatives of technology. I actually need certain technology to help me learn and to keep me safe. I have a learning disability with processing issues, so I learn best by hearing things rather than reading them. In order for me to learn I need technology that records lectures and reads the text to me. The other technology that is life-saving for me is my Apple watch. I have epilepsy so the Apple Watch has a technology that will alert my parents if I have a seizure. So, in my life, these technologies are a huge positive for me.  With regard to social media, I believe I have a healthy relationship. I have a very small online footprint. When googled myself I realized that I do not have a huge presence online. the things that came up were a picture of me from my LinkedIn account, information about me being a junior at High Point University, my major, and Information regarding...

Living in the Age of AI

      Living in the Age of AI is both exciting and terrifying. Just like anything else, there are positives and negatives to using AI. The exciting positives of AI include predictive analytics for sports and self-driving cars. The negatives of AI include loss of privacy and loss of jobs. AI has the potential to eliminate a multitude of jobs including positions such as secretary, cashier at grocery stores, and assembly line jobs at factories.  We have already seen self-checkout stations at grocery stores and superstores like Walmart. AI has already eliminated numerous jobs. People get excited when they talk about AI and how it will change the future, and how machines and robots will make our lives easier. I don't think they realize that every machine and every robot in the future represents a human who has lost their job and their means to support their families. When people think of AI taking over jobs, they think of the self-checkout at Walmart and the self-service...

Anit-war Voices

  Until I sat down to write this post I had never heard of or The American Conservative. I viewed the website first. The first few headlines I read were: "Save Ukraine from American Meddling." and "Julien Assange is Free, but Justice has not Been Served." Even sitting in my own home, I felt weird reading these headlines. You would never hear this on the mainstream media news channels or read them in most newspapers these days. The media is very one-sided. The ideas on go against everything the Biden Administration stands for.  What we hear on the news and read in the papers is very much in line with what the government believes is important. We are told we have to defend Ukraine's border because if Ukraine falls, the rest of Europe will fall.  Washington and the mainstream media have people believing that it is more important to protect Ukraine's border than our own. Concerning Julian Assange, we have been tol...